Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Favorite Tweets (November '14)

Saya jarang sekali buka Twitter belakangan ini. Tapi walaupun jarang nge-twit, waktu sempat buka, saya suka mengamati timeline dan memencet tombol favorite untuk twit-twit yang menurut saya bagus atau sedang pas dengan isi hati. Seperti yang pernah saya bilang, mem-favorite sama saja dengan mengatakan kata "setuju", "gue banget" atau sekedar kagum dengan isi twit tersebut. Hanya saja, dibanding retweet, favorite menurut saya lebih rahasia. Selain si empunya akun (dan mungkin mereka yang sedang selo lalu buka-buka isi favorite milik orang lain) tidak ada yang peduli, terlebih tahu, apa-apa yang ada di balik tab favorite milik seseorang.  

Retweet, kalau menurut saya, semacam mengadu, bercerita, curhat kepada siapa saja yang sedang ada di timeline. Favorite, di lain sisi, gunanya seperti untuk reflecting. A reminder. Semacam diari. Yang sama dari keduanya adalah, baik retweet maupun favorite sama-sama ditulis dengan menggunakan kalimat milik orang lain. Yang karakternya, tentu, tak lebih dari 140.

Saya belakangan ini lebih sering mem-favorite twit yang berisi quotes dari buku-buku Murakami. Atau beberapa puisi singkat yang berhasil saya temukan menyempil di sela-sela lini masa. Ada juga beberapa (well, hmm, sebenarnya banyak) tentang zodiak saya. Tapi lebih baik tidak saya posting yang bagian itu. He he.


rejeki orang kan beda-beda. kita ngga tau usahanya dia. (@yeahmahasiswa)

I loved reading novels to distraction, but didn’t write well enough to be a novelist. (@_harukimurakami)

Why don't you turn your anger into a poem and help it fly? (@vaindream)

I write, to reach you, within me. (@NaivePoet)

When something that once was your dream now becomes your to-do list, you're on the right track. (@deelestari)

but then we never really loved each other, just that a boy in me, fell for a girl in you, and dreamed of a non-existent forever. (@NaivePoet)

Sometimes you have to bet on yourself. You have to always follow dreams. And you have to be willing to fail. (@JaredLeto)

I guess I've been waiting so long I'm looking for perfection. That makes it tough. (@_harukimurakami)

The worst way for friendships to end: (@autocorrects)

Music has that power to revive memories, sometimes so intensely that they hurt. (@_harukimurakami)

I am
a realist and a dreamer
a cynic and an optimist
a shadow and a flame
an open book and an enigma
an oxymoron in the flesh

they are never
just words.

you and i are nothing more than two pens flirting with the edge of almost. (@dreams_ofyou)

there must be someone who sees me. (@thegirlshewas)

"If you plan everything you’d be kidding your subconscious. So I don’t plan anything." (@_harukimurakami)

You'll end up real disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you. (@9GAG)

“May I give you a piece of advise? Don't feel sorry for yourself, only arseholes do that.” (@_harukimurakami)

What was I hoping to gain from this? Was I hoping to be woven into some new plot, to be given some new and better-defined role to play? (@_harukimurakami)

I'm afraid to let you into my melancholy
Scared you won't like what you see

I can’t describe that feeling of total loneliness. I just wanted to disappear into thin air and not think about anything. (@_harukimurakami)

And there comes a time when you are so comfortable in your broken pieces that you forget how it feels to be whole. (@ItsAPerfectLife)

What is it you can't forget what you really want to forget? (@_harukimurakami)

Do you ever get those pangs of anxiety where you feel like nobody likes you and nobody will ever like you and you will achieve nothing? (@9GAG)

this is my life: (@autocorrects)

tell me what combination of words will make you stay and i will spend an eternity rearranging them to fit between our hands. (@dreams_ofyou)

In a sense, I’m the one who ruined me. I did it myself. (@_harukimurakami)

I started to imagine another me somewhere, sitting in a bar, nursing a whisky, without a care in the world. (@_harukimurakami)

Beberapa hati gemar menyembunyikan rindunya, lalu menangis diam-diam sampai ketiduran. (@gerimis_)

As if to build a fence around the fatal emptiness inside her, she had to create the sunny person that she became. (@_harukimurakami)

The way you hold conversations and I notice how my phrases slowly slip into your vocabulary... (@Foggy_Memories)

Don’t you see? You and he may never cross paths again. Of course, a chance meeting could occur, and I hope it happens. I really do. (@_harukimurakami)

I was raised like a forest fire, and I am not done burning you yet. (@distantraine)

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. (@_harukimurakami)

I wanted to begin a new life where I didn’t know a soul, and forget everything. (@_harukimurakami)

RT @desianwar: Don't let your disappointment last more than a day. (@MarissaAnita)

"Tulis buku yg ingin kita baca dan buat lagu yg ingin kita dengar. Itu lebih dari cukup. Kalau orang lain suka, itu bonus." (@deelestari)

You cannot form any kind of change from just expecting. (@_harukimurakami)

But it’s not too late to recover. You’re young, you’re tough. You’re adaptable. You can patch up your wounds, lift up your head and move on. (@_harukimurakami)

I’m scared I’ll never get better again. I’m scared I’ll always stay twisted like this and grow old and waste away. (@_harukimurakami)

I hate how true this is: (@ComedyOrTruth)

She waited for the train to pass. Then she said, “I sometimes think people’s hearts are like deep wells. Nobody knows what’s at the bottom." (@_harukimurakami)

You are afraid of having to shed the armor with which you have long defended yourself. (@_harukimurakami)


Credit pictures go to the rightful owners.

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