Favorite Tweets

Photo by Januarain

Seseorang pernah bilang kalau 'kamu adalah apa yang kamu retweet.' Ada benarnya sih. Mengatakan kejujuran dengan kata-kata milikmu sendiri memang terkadang lebih sulit. Itulah mengapa, kadang, kita butuh meminjam kalimat milik orang lain untuk mewakili perasaan kita sendiri. Perasaan-perasaan yang jujur namun terlalu tabu untuk diutarakan. Atau mungkin kelewat rahasia, kelewat berani, terlalu lancang untuk dialamatkan kepada yang berhak.

Di dunia per-Twitter-an, ada dua macam opsi untuk menunjukkan kekaguman pada kalimat-kalimat indah (atau menohok) milik orang lain. Pertama retweet, kedua favorite. Saya lebih menyenangi opsi yang terakhir sebenarnya. Favorite terasa lebih rahasia. Dan apa-apa  yang disembunyikan, biasanya, cenderung mengatakan kejujuran dengan porsi lebih banyak.

When I fall asleep texting you, it doesn't mean you bore me. It just means I didn't want to end the conversation. (@falla_adinda)

Best line said by a guy to a girl: “The day I'll go on my knees for another girl...is the day I'll tie a shoe lace for our daughter.” (@damnitstrue)

"Ladies, what is the sexiest thing a man can do for you? Jadi imam pas sholat :)" (@falafu)

Cinta adalah ketika kuat kau rasakan "kehadiran" Tuhan dalam diri pasanganmu. (@sudjiwotedjo)

Fisik bisa kasih apa, kalo akhlaknya enol (?) (@falafu)

it's not only about you and me. it's about how much of you is me. (@hurufkecil)

my three-word-sentences need your name to complete them.(@hurufkecil)

singkatnya: saya rindu. lengkapnya: saya rindu bagian diri saya yang cuma ada di dirimu. (@hurufkecil)

Orang yang mencintaimu akan selalu ingat kata-kata yang pernah kamu ucapkan, bahkan saat kamu sendiri udah lupa dengan kata2 itu. (@shitlicious)

memories are such a good writing partner. (@hurufkecil)

Success isn't about how much money you make it's about the difference you make in people's lives... (@katyperry)

karena dalam ingatanku, bola matamu adalah tempat yang paling romantis. di sanalah, sepasang matahari paling teduh tinggal.(@falafu)

if a writer falls in love with you, you can never die. (@seharralir)

dear girls, if a guy tells you that you're beautiful, it's lovely. if he's referring to your mind, it's love (@hurufkecil)

every time i write, i wish i made words feel never been written before. (@hurufkecil)

there's a blur line between reality and fantasy. it's beautiful, so people called it love. (@hurufkecil)

Rindu adalah perang melawan kesepian. Dan kamu, adalah kemerdekaan yg mustahil dari sebutir peluru yg bersarang di dadaku. (@sematakata)

Over-thinking ruins you. Ruins the situation, twists things around, makes you worry & just makes everything much worse than it actually is. (@firstworldfacts)

Yang ada namun tak di sisi, kadang kau menjelma melalui lagu-lagu. (@sihirhujan)

To be married is to be w/ someone u can annoy for d rest of ur life n make him think "She's d mistake I'd always love" (@AdolphTwittler)

mungkin ngga semua perempuan cantik, tapi setiapnya mampu jadi indah dengan caranya masing-masing. (@falafu)

i know a very complicated life is waiting to be handled after love falls on us, but it will make our love story sweeter.(@hurufkecil)

Serunya twitter itu bukan pada kepo-kepoan, tapi kode-kodean. (@djenarmaesaayu)

I am far from perfect but I believe that someday I will be perfect for that imperfect someone who is perfect for me. (@viatumblr)

Happiness is a state of mind. –Walt Disney (@disneywords)

orang yang paling saya kenal sebagai orang paling sederhana yang paling suka membuat rumit hidup saya adalah saya. (@hurufkecil)

Kamu, membuatku utuh. (@mustikaaprilia)

ada hari-hari dmn tersenyum karena melihat televisi saja membuat saya ingin bercerita padamu. membagi segala yg menyenangkan. (@falafu)

Tak ada yang lebih romantis dari berkencan dengan diri sendiri kala hujan. Kemewahan yang kerap tergilas roda rutinitas & kesibukan. (@djenarmaesaayu)

I don't know where are all this feelings coming from that is making me so blue. (@viatumblr)

You know how sometimes you meet someone and everything changes. Just like that? –Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid) (@disneywords)

Kata "kamu" adalah ambigu yang banyak dipakai di twitter, dan seringnya fikif. (@sihirhujan)

A hottie with bad grammar should just go out with a monkey. (@catwomanizer)

Tapi untuk hubungan jangka panjang, sebaiknya kita milih yang "baik-baik", kecuali maunya cuma buat seru-seruan aja. (@Dear_Connie)

Naluri manusia itu memang mengejar, & mereka yang gampang didapat itu dianggap membosankan. (@Dear_Connie)

"Women should stop going for the bad guys, stop looking so far when the good ones are right there." - Jennifer Aniston (@Dear_Connie)

Common sense isn't a gift, it's a punishment; because you have to deal with everyone who doesn't have it. (@LuvPug)

Running into a soul mate, on a train, at a cafe, on the street. That still happens right? We probably pass them right by. Forever passersby. (@normmynorm)

“Everybody has to start somewhere. You have your whole future ahead of you. Perfection doesn't happen right away." (@haruki_tweets)

Please stop ur private conversations with friends using RT button. Otherwise, I'll unfollow u even-though u're my friend. (@shitlicious)

Di twitter apa sih yang gak bisa jadi masalah? (@alpinnn)

ngga ngetwit, tapi ngescroll TL pelan-pelan sambil manggut-manggut. (@yeahmahasiswa)

here i am, a citizen of two big nations: imagination and procrastination. (@hurufkecil)

Masa depan tak layak diramalkan. Punya mimpi? Wujudkan! (@RemigiusAditya)

I hate it when you are having a bad day and everyone takes it personally, like no it's not about you. get the fuck over yourself. (@autocorrects)

"The thing I’m most afraid of is me. Of not knowing what I’m going to do. Of not knowing what I’m doing right now." (@haruki_tweets)

this is not a game where u can pause and save it.. it's a jumanji where u would have to play all day.. (@timaygabriella)

Buat sejarahmu sendiri. (@sihirhujan)

"I never met a bitter person who was thankful. Or a thankful person who was bitter." - Nick Vujicic. (@perempuansore)

"Doing the same thing and expecting different results is insanity." - Einstein :)) (Dear_Connie)

Find happiness, and happiness isn't always found in a relationship. (@Dear_Connie)

2013 udah mau abis, idup masih gini-gini aja.. (@yeahmahasiswa)

Stupid questions deserve silent answer. Insensitive jokes deserve unfriending. (@Dear_Connie)

godaan awal cewek berkerudung adalah pikiran; "kayanya gue cantikkan ngga pake kerudung deh". terus pasang foto yang rambutnya kemana-mana. (@falafu)

i want to be trapped in a quiet old library, when it's raining, alone with you. (@hurufkecil)

i don't believe in horoscope, but i am a capricorn. and, you know, capricorn is always awesome. (@hurufkecil)

you were in bored, you kept tweeting. your friends unfollowed you, you hate them. now you flood twitter with dramas. (@hurufkecil)

Sometimes we fall in love with people we can't have. Sometimes someone we aren't even interested fall for us. Life. (@Dear_Connie)

do u ever play loud sad music and lie down on your bed and stare at the ceiling because life is fuckin hard man what’s up with that (@autocorrects)

somewhere between september and december, i always have my own special month called remember. (@hurufkecil)

How do ppl end up in relationship after relationship and I cant find one person to even find me remotely interesting for a solid ten seconds. (@autocorrects)

Oh, sweet November. How I adore thy rain! ♥ (@Dear_Connie)

Ketika kita sedang jatuh cinta, atau bahkan patah hati, semua lagu cinta itu seolah-olah tentang dia :') (@Dear_Connie)

The person who loves you the most might be the one who keeps a distance from you. You'll never know... (@Dear_Connie)

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